Law Offices of Michael Kuldiner, P.C.
MAY 2011 - Newsletter
Bucks County Office

922 Bustleton Pike, 1st Fl 

Feasterville, PA 19053


(215) 942-2100 


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Dear Friends, 


          Spring is finally here, and so are the joyous holidays of Easter and Passover.  The Law Offices of Michael Kuldiner, P.C. would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season and great accomplishments now and in the days to come. 


          If you have a question about a legal matter please feel free to give us a call at (215) 942-2100.  To get your FREE Copy simply email our office and we will put you on our list.  In our monthly Newsletters we provide our friends and clients with valuable knowledge and in-depth information about our practice areas of law.


                       Best Wishes,



Michael Kuldiner, Esquire



Property Tax Appeals

Lower your Taxes and save money


Most Property taxes are unfair and many homeowners end up paying too much while others do not pay their fair share.  All property owners should appeal their property tax assessments.  No matter how undervalued your house is for tax purposes, someone is definitely getting a better deal than you. Follow these steps in order to start a tax appeal on your home! 


What is a tax appeal? 

The taxes that you pay for the property you own is based on the assessed value that the entire county is assigned by the governmental taxing board. The local, county and school taxes that you pay are based on the estimation of this assessed value.  If this estimation is correct, you pay the correct amount of taxes, usually in your monthly mortgage payment. If this estimation is not correct, then more likely than not, you are paying too much. You have the right to challenge the assessment for your property on an annual basis and each county has a different period for filing an annual appeal.



I want to file a tax appeal, where do I go?

The sooner the process is started the sooner we can save you money! Contact the Law Offices of Michael Kuldiner, P.C at 215-490-2100 so we can start your property tax appeal. We can quickly determine whether your property is over assessed and explain how we can begin the appeal process.




Custody Battles

The importance of hiring an Attorney

In the event that you have a highly hostile or contested custody issue you should seek out an attorney to represent you.  It is especially advisable if the other parent is using the services of an attorney.  The Court of Special Appeals has held that representing yourself is not a good enough excuse for not answering a motion by an attorney of the opposing party. 

Understanding Custody


Temporary Custody - "De facto" (means "in fact") custody refers to who actually has custody of the child at this time. This can be different from "court ordered custody". In order to formalize custody before you begin litigation, you will need to file for temporary custody.  Temporary custody will be based on the "best interests" of the child standard. It is not an "initial" award of custody. Instead it is temporary custody while you wait for the court to hold a hearing. 


Sole Custody - Sole Custody is when both legal and physical custody are given to one parent. The child has only one primary residence. Custody is made up of: legal custody and physical custody.


A person with legal custody has the right to make plans and decisions for the education, religious training, discipline, non-emergency medical care and other matters of major significance concerning the child's welfare.


A person with physical custody has the child living primarily with them and they have the right to make decisions as to the child's everyday needs.


Split Custody - Split custody most often refers to a situation where there are two children and each parent obtains full physical custody over one child. Some of the considerations that may bring about this result are age of the children and child preference. 


Joint Custody - The court looks very closely at Joint Custody agreements. The most important factor to Joint Legal Custody to Shared Physical Custody is the ability of the parents to talk about and reach joint decisions that affect the child's welfare. If you are constantly fighting over what religion or what school, the court may strike down your agreement. Joint Custody is actually broken down into three categories: Joint Legal, Shared Physical, and Combination. 


Joint Legal custody is where the parents share care and control of the upbringing of the child, but the child has only one primary residence.


In Shared Physical Custody the child has two residences, spending at least 35% of their time with the other parent.


Additionally, you can make your own special joint custody agreement that is any combination of Shared Physical and Joint Legal Custody. One example of this is when there is one residence for the child and the parents live with the child there on a rotating basis.

Setting "SMART" Goals

Hitting the Target for Success


In setting goals, it is important to evaluate not only what you want to achieve but how you want to get there. Setting goals allows you to get what you want out of life by providing you with direction and purpose in setting and achieving these goals. By making time for goal setting and working toward the goal, you are making a commitment to yourself. In order to evaluate and set reasonable goals, it's important to follow these guidelines to develop "SMART" goals:


Specific - know exactly what you want to accomplish. Take time to outline how you will reach your goal. Begin by articulating it; if you can't explain to yourself or your partner in a few words, re-evaluate it.

Measurable - be able to quantify your success. Break down the necessary steps into manageable ones. Schedule deadlines and small advances

Achievable - choose something you can do. Also, understand the exact goal you want to accomplish. If you can't articulate the exact details to yourself or a friend, reevaluate your plan.

Realistic - assess your skills and your resources. Identify any roadblocks preventing you from reaching the goal. List them and then overcome them.

Timely - set a time frame for success and review your progress in a timely fashion. By making time for goal setting and working toward the goal, you are making a commitment to yourself. This purpose creates desire, which is the greatest motivator.


In this Issue


Appealing Property Taxes


Custody Battles


Understanding Custody  


Setting "Smart" Goals


NyQuil and DUI





"No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change."

Barbara DeAngelis


"For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future. "

John F. Kennedy


"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."

Francis Bacon


"Insist on yourself. Never imitate."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Thomas Jefferson




Thank You for Telling Your Family and Friends about Us!


The highest compliment you could give our law firm is the referral of your loved ones and friends. Over the years our practice has been built upon the trust you place in our ability to take care of those you care the most about. Our mission is to provide outstanding legal service to everyone who comes to us in need of help. We would like to thank you in advance for all your support and trust you place in our firm. THANK YOU - Law Offices of Michael Kuldiner, P.C.




DO YOU WANT THE STATE TO DECIDE HOW TO DISTRIBUTE YOUR ASSETS AND WHO SHOULD BE THE GUARDIAN OF YOUR CHILDREN IF YOU DIE?  If not, call The Law Offices of Michael Kuldiner, P.C. to schedule an appointment to discuss preparing a will. 

Helping Make a Difference


While we pursue our professional goals, we we also endeavor to improve the quality of life in our communities.  We make significant contributions to causes and charities important to us and our families and friends.  



March of Dimes 


  We urge you to give back to your community as well. 



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NyQuil and DUI: Not Only Alcohol Can Impair You



When you think of Driving Under the Influence, or DUI, you commonly think of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, it is possible that your over-the-counter cold medications could impair your driving and put yourself and others at risk while on the road.